
Saturday, April 29, 2006

Tony WIlson

.. on Passport Approved today

"I sat here a year ago and i am still in shock from Steve Jones saying his favorite band was Boston"

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe I missed Tony Wilson!!! I almost never hear the show anymore! RYC: I think that is from a clan motto-- not the Stewarts??? but I don't remember-- but "No one provokes me with impunity" is pretty straight from Latin. I have a tote bag from my grandmother and it has the thistle and the motto. I had an ex who was a linguist (alas, not a cunning one, hence the ex, hehehe) and he would always snicker at the motto and make fun of me (because I have such a bad temper and I am very territorial, etc). Even more amusing, I have a shirt that says "hug me I'm Scots" I got it at the Games a few years ago. It's an obvious attempt to give Scots something similar "kiss me I'm Irish"/St Pat's (perhaps purple beer on St Andrews Day??), but it has a picture of thistle. Yeah.. come on... hug me... I'm Scots... ;o) I always feel so honoured whenever you comment on my blog. You rock, dude!
