
Thursday, June 07, 2007

Surf Junkie Jeff and Steve in OC Weekly


What’s it like in there?
To tell you the truth, it’s kind of like a college dorm. It’s small and plastered with rock & roll memorabilia: posters, fliers and photos signed by rock stars who have been through.
Is there the lingering smell of Jonesy’s passed gas?
When I go in there, it has never smelled too bad. I am usually in and out by the time Jonesy gets there. But sometimes I see him, and he always says, “Surf’s up, mate!”
Jonesy is always getting teased about his weight or whining about being overweight. Have you ever offered to take him surfing?
Yeah, whenever I see Steve at the station, I’ll hit him up about when we’re gonna go surfing. I think he’s about ready to give it a try with me this summer.

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