
Thursday, November 15, 2007

Guest Host: Patton Oswalt

"Can i say the ... it rhymes with stick and starts with a d "
"Or the word that starts with a d and rhymes with whoosh"
Ed " Only if you dont put the word that rhymes with lag"

"I read through my comics way too quickly"

"Cold gin... what are you a dowager!"

From Fast Company magazine;
Comedian Patton Oswalt has been all over late-night TV calling Famous Bowls "a failure pile in a sadness bowl." Any comment?
[Chuckles.] He doesn't see all the smiles that people have when they eat our food--that's a talked-about product that people love.

"...though not smiles of joy or victory"

"Lou Reed and Luke Cage, Power man, wrote this"

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