Thursday, October 12, 2017

Guests: Oct 13th 2017 Sparks


Funny show

Steve "They had that big war"
Russell "There's been a few"

Steve "You had the rock thing then you went a bit different"

Hippo chat

Steve "It means i like you"

Ron "Approved by the board of censors here"

Russell "The new album Giraffes but it is officially called hippopotamus"

Russell + Ron " We lied and told him we always loved him" :)

Ron "Rhymes with Bill Conti"

Steve "Not Ken Scott"

Steve "You guys like a laugh"
Ron "Not.. not really"

bitcoin chat

Ron "Is this a genuine little rip off guitar ?"

Ron " There was a japanese band that did a rip off .. a homage"

Sparks have been on August 6th 2004 and March 21 2006 . mm i thought they had been on more often.

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